About KKNA

What is whole purpose of this blog? There are several. I came up with this idea when I switched from a paleo diet to a meat-free, plant-based diet. It started as a place where I could put my thoughts on paper, but since then it has transformed. Here is a short list of what I want to accomplish with this blog.

1. Give athletes, of all levels, a place to share their knowledge and their story to other plant-based athletes.

2. Highlight athletes, of all levels, showing that people can get strong and healthy without the use of meat.

3. Informing people of recent studies showing the health benefits of plant-based athletes.

4. Help people become activist for animal rights and environmental issues.

5. Give a place for people to find diet and nutrition information on plant based diets.

On Instagram and Facebook use #KKNA and #Killkilosnotanimals for repost onto our page.

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