What first started as a way to pass time on a boring 12 hour flight to Hawaii, ended in a drastic change in my lifestyle and beliefs. While my wife and I were packing our suitcases for our trip to Hawaii to visit my family and celebrate our first year of marriage, I decided to place 2 books in my carry on luggage. "Spartan Up" and "Thrive." The exact reason why I chose these 2 books is all a blur now but I'm pretty sure I heard about them listening to one of the many podcast I tune into on the weekdays. This decision would turn my lifestyle in a new direction.
What I read in these 2 books really changed my views on what it takes to be strong. They each explained to how protein from animal sources is not as vital as the media and online forums make it out to be. They taught me that it is possible to get high quality, nutrient dense, sustainable protein from a plant based diet. It also taught me how the quality of the meat industry continues to exponentially get worse. I was so engaged with the reading that I finished both books on the flight there.
While spending our 3 weeks in Hawaii, I couldn't help but constantly think about the information that I had read. My wife was already vegetarian at the time so this lead to a lot of conversations on the trip about the possibilities of me going vegetarian. I really wanted to do it, but my concerns lied heavily in how it would affect my athletic performance. My wife encouraged me to try it but reminded me that if it wasn't my decision to go vegetarian,it would never stick. On the flight home I decided to challenge myself to 30 days vegetarian. At the end of the 30 days I would assess myself and see if it was something I could continue.
Well the 30 days flew by with ease. I felt healthy, I felt strong, and PR'd on my snatch and clean and jerk. This positive response turned my 30 day challenge to an even bigger adventure. I stayed strict vegetarian for 7 months and continued making huge gains, getting strong, and increasing my energy levels. Is it possible that I could be competitive in the sport of weightlifting by completely eliminating meat sourced proteins? Could I still make it to nationals and the american open while sustaining a plant based diet?
Sitting now, a year and a half from the day I decided to go vegetarian, I have only had one fallback and ate meat for a month in between. I have won 4 medals in local and state meets including 2 golds and a best overall lifter award. I competed in the national championships and placed 13th. I am currently 21 days away from competing in the american open located in Reno, Nevada.
I have grown to appreciate life and the rights of all animals. I am a huge advocate of plant based diets and will continue spread the word that it is possible to competitive in a strength sport while eating a meat-free plant-based diet. I used social media to show people, lifters, and young athletes that you don't need to kill animals to be strong. Teach them that animal protein is also not at the quality it used to be and that plant protein is more nutrient dense and better for the body.
Now that you know a little about me and what I represent as a lifter, I would like to conclude this entry with why I named this the Gorilla of Weightlifting. Besides the fact that I am an extremely hairy man that resembles an ape, Gorillas are one of the strongest and most fierce animal in the jungle. They walk around with silverbacks, monster chests and enormous arms. Gorillas have the capability to lift 2000kgs over their heads. Go to google or ask siri to find out what gorillas eat... You will find that they're organisms that survive mostly on a plant based diet and still are considered one of the top 10 strongest animals. Maybe others out there can choose to follow in my footsteps and become a Gorilla of Weightlifting.